Louisa Hardman


After an early career in Law, Louisa chose to work in the Citizens’ Advice movement, providing legal advice to disadvantaged community members and training volunteers in employment and benefits law. This early, formative exposure to the inhumane effects of social injustice has shaped her work ever since.

She then moved to the GLC, working in social housing and contributing to the council’s work on equality and diversity. Louisa continued her career in housing associations as a board director and staff member, developing neighbourhood and organisational communities. She also co-founded a housing co-operative in south London which remains vibrant. Influenced by critical theory and intersectionality, she was a volunteer board director for several community organisations and mentor for BME teenagers in London.

Louisa took her community development expertise into senior leadership roles in organisational development in both the Health Education Authority and BBC, before establishing Living Potential in 1996. Committed to supporting the development of human health, potential and inclusive cultures, she actively collaborates with People Opportunities, the NHS Leadership Academy, AdvanceHE, the Point of Care Foundation and Ashridge Hult.

Professional interests and sector experience

She is passionate about developing creative and engaging learning experiences that unlock potential and foster positive impact. Blending organisational realism with creativity and psychological insight, her clients span a range of sectors including higher education, health, central and local government, broadcasting, publishing, professional services, transport, social housing, retail, distribution, finance, membership organisations, trades unions and the police. A values-based practitioner, Louisa chooses to work with social purpose organisations. She has particular experience of facilitating leadership development for change and special interests in:

- Supporting culture change through community, team and leadership development 

- Coaching individuals through role and system transitions to support new ways of working

Distinctive approach

Louisa brings a deep understanding of individual, group and organisational change and development through her combination of psychotherapeutic and organisational consulting practice. Clients also say they value her integrity, thoughtfulness, humour and challenge.


- Level A and B, a range of 360 degree instruments alongside MBTI, FIRO-B, SDI, ESCI, LuminaSpark, the Leadership Circle 360, the NHS Healthcare Leadership Model and Harthill’s Leadership Development Framework

- An MSc in Business Psychology, Diploma in Change Agent Skills and Strategies, MSc in Coaching Psychology. Degrees in Law and Psychology.

- Accreditation (distinction) as an Ashridge/EMCC Master Coach and SCP Mediator

- Organisational Relations Systems Coaching Accreditation

- Current Postgraduate Certificate in Consulting with the Tavistock Institute

- On-going studies in Gestalt Psychotherapy

- Member of the CIPD, British Institute of Management, Fellow of the RSA

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